
Insulation for your garden! Mulch drastically reduces the amount of time spent weeding and watering. As it rots down it becomes wonderful compost – a great way of adding nutrients to your garden. The best time to apply mulch is well before the hotter months have arrived. The decomposition process…

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Fuschia Care

General Information If you purchase a fuchsia in the summer, wait for a cool change in the weather before you plant it in the garden or into a larger pot or basket. Don’t leave the plant in a small pot for too long, as it will become root bound and…

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Compost is your gardens best friend! It is natural way to a healthy soil – mother natures way of giving your plants a good feed. A well-composted soil will encourage worm activity. If you have worms in your garden you have healthy soil. Worms also help compost the soil. If…

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Camelia Care

Fertilising should always be done after watering. After feeding a further watering is necessary to water the feed in. Camellias are not big feeders and small applications of plant food at regular intervals can be more beneficial than a heavy annual application. For fertilising, use a processed multi-mix dry manure…

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